Catalog > Toy Bins and Junk Boxes > Junk Boxes

Junk Boxes

Junk Box
Great when used as the basket for a gift basket! 
Add a piggy bank, door sign or whatever you wish...
Junk box is a mid-sized molded plastic storage box.
Stack boxes together to create a storage system in a child's room,
craft area, or home office... these boxes have a built in stacking system.
The sturdy molded plastic will last through years of wear and tear. 
Junk Box Jungle Animals
Junk Box Jungle Animals
Junk Box pink and purple bling crown
Junk Box Trivoli Garden
Junk Box Trivoli Garden
Junk Box Monkey
Junk Box Monkey
Junk Box Dena Owl
Junk Box Dena Owl
Junk Box Addison Flower
Junk Box Addison Flower
Junk Box Lion King
Junk Box Lion King
Junk Box Star Wars
Junk Box Star Wars
Junk Box Lion Monkey Rockstar
Junk Box Lion Monkey Rockstar
Junk Box Emily Diva
Junk Box Emily Diva
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